GO! Chart
What: a graphic organizer
Who: all ages, any level
When: You use this when you want to develop metacognitive skills by activating and building prior knowledge, activating thinking before, during, and after reading, and organizing one's thoughts.
- choose a text
- preview/predict: preview the concpets using ACCESS FEATURES and other clues, review what we think we know, connect to prior knowledge
- inquiry/vocabulary: brainstorm possible question the text might answer-use predictions as a springboard, brainstorm vocabulary, introduce key vocabulary
- read: read the text, remind/model reading between the text and access features
- confirm/disconfirm: return to orginial predictions (text and vocabulary) and onfirm/disconfirm/revise
- explore understandings: share understandings - facts noticed in the text, revisit the questions generated in the inquory column - confirm/disconfirm whether answered and use the questions to prompt their understandings
- explore interpretations: share wonderings - things not stated in the text but still curious about
- explore connections: share connections-things the topic is associated with
- organize the text: choose the appropriate graphic organizer (based on the structure of the text) and organize the facts listed in the Understandings column