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Interactive Read Aloud

Developed by Linda Hoyt


What: IRA is an active process that allow students to process the structure, language, and concepts of the text as they think about the text, talk about the text, and respond to the text. 


Who: all ages and levels


When: before, during and after reading; when you want students to focus on a specific element of a story (ex. author's craft, literary effects, etc)



- select text that is enjoyable, relevant, spotlights thinking

- develop genre chart and plan for using the chart during reading

- read text and plan stopping points

- create prompts for selected stopping points

- write prompts on post-it notes and place in book

- plan opening and closing of delivery

    - opening: visit genre chart, read text

    - closing: revisit genre chart


Note: Text should be 2 grade levels above the audience's grade level

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