Observation Survey
What: This is an assessment that uses observation tasks related to reading and writing in order to inform the teacher of a student’s progress or lack thereof. The purpose of this assessment is to determine if a student has difficulties in reading and writing.
Who: This assessment is geared to children who are in grades K-2.
When: You would use this assessment when you notice a student is not on grade level or having difficulty, when you want to learn how children read and write, or when you want to monitor progress.
1. Running Record
- use passage or small story from regular education setting (100-200 words)
- test on three levels (easy, instructional, hard)
- record words read correctly, all errors, and self-corrections
- fill out running record sheet also using the conversion table
2. Letter Identification
- use large print alphabet page from book (upper and lower case)
- Introduce: What do you call these? Can you find some that you know?
- Pointing to each letter in horizontal lines: What is this one?
- Prompting: Do you know its name? What sound does it make? or Do you know a word that starts like that?
3. Concepts about Print
- use one of the four books and follow the script provided
4. Word Test
- use Ohio Word Test Lists A, B, C (Dolch words)
- ask student to identify words
5. Writing
- have student write words they know for 10 minutes; you may prompt by asking if they can write any children’s names, things they do, things at home, or things they eat.
- Gather 3 writing samples of the student’s stories (consecutive days or successive weeks)
- Rate on language level, message quality, and directional principles
6. Hearing
- select one of five alternative sentences (Form A-E)
- tell student you will read story and then reread it slowly so they can write it down
- read story then reread slowly so student can write sentences down
- if student finds a problem word; ask student to say it slowly, ask how to start writing it, ask what can they hear; if
student cannot complete word, move on to the next one
- Compile all results and additional information on the summary sheet