Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA)
What: This assessment determines a student's reading level, cueing systems, and comprehension.
Who: This is geared to students in grades K-8.
When: You would use this to determine the independent, instructional, and frustrational level for a student.
Instructions: Give student a book to read on a level you believe to be his or her instructional level. If the student makes 4 or more errors, drop down a level until the student reaches his or her instructional level. Once instructional level is determined, ask student to retell the story, providing prompts as needed and as it relates to story elements.
Note: As student reads, evaulate cueing systems he or she uses. When making final comments, include the cueing systems the students uses, reading level, the ability to comminucate, the amount of prompting, and the ease during retelling.